Former president Robert Mugabe’s family and business are now being haunted by lawsuits from individuals whose properties in Mazowe Estates were seized when the Mugabe family established Gushungo Holdings.
Mazowe miner Ngoni Mutopo yested filed an urgent chamber application seeking an order to interdict Gushungo Holdings from barring him from accessing his mining claims.
“The applicant (Mutopo) was unlawfully chased from his two blocks of mines Iron Mask 68 and 69 in Iron Mask Estate in Mazowe, where he has been lawfully mining and is being denied the right by the respondent (Gushungo Holdings) who is acting unlawfully and without a court order authorising him to act in that manner,” Mutopo said.
A fortnight ago another evicted farmer, Langton Chapungu, also filed an application at the High Court seeking eviction of the Mugabe’s widow Grace’s eviction.